All posts by nathan23

Antenna Raising Party

20140427-092958It’s one of those “first” for every ham radio operator that is interested in HF!  The radio may be plugged in and set up but the antenna has GOT to be right for things to work well.  So, I got my hands on an Alpha-Delta DX-CC.  I researched the internet for options for feed lines.  Since I was dealing with almost a 200′ run, coax loss was a concern that needed to be addressed.  I also wanted to put it in the best spot possible and facing the right direction for my intentions.  Given the barriers on the property, a few extra hands never hurts to have.  In the event of a cookout, an antenna raising part broke out!  Click here to see this event from the viewpoint of K4MTX on his blog!

Here is how it things went. Continue reading Antenna Raising Party

Welcome to K4NHW

Welcome to the new page of  In the near future, you will find blogs and stories of my ventures as a new ham radio operator.  Just in my first year as an amateur radio operator, I have learned ALOT from many different people and have experienced some pretty neat stuff.  Check back from time to time and see what’s new.  Hope to catch you on the air someday!  Till then, 73 de K4NHW!